Subscription Only ERP.

No Surprises.

Enjoy Cost Certainty with a Subscription Price that's locked for 5 Years


Our Pricing Philosophy

Providing Cost Certainty for all of our members so you don't have to worry about price hikes or upfront costs.

Be Nice - Blue

Transparent Pricing

We are committed to providing clear and straightforward pricing without hidden fees or unexpected charges. From the moment you engage with us, you'll know exactly what you are paying for and why.

We offer a detailed cost calculator, allowing you to get an accurate estimate tailored to your specific business needs. Our pricing breakdown is designed to provide full transparency, allowing you to budget with confidence and plan effectively.

Integrity and Courage - Blue

5-Year Price Lock

Financial stability is crucial. That’s why we offer a fixed subscription price locked in for five years, eliminating the worry of price hikes or sudden increases.

This commitment to predictable pricing helps you plan your finances better and focus on what matters most – growing your business. With Stellar One, your costs will remain consistent, giving you the peace of mind to make long-term strategic decisions without the fear of unexpected expenses.

Be Adaptable - Blue

Free Implementation

Getting started with a new ERP system used to be daunting, with Stellar One the implementation process is straightforward and free of charge.

Our expert team will guide you through a seamless setup, ensuring you are operational in as few as 30 days. This means you can start reaping the benefits of your ERP solution without any upfront costs. We are dedicated to making your transition as smooth and cost-effective as possible.

Stellar Reputation - Blue

Risk-Free Commitment

We stand behind the value and effectiveness of our ERP solutions. To ensure your satisfaction, we offer a risk-free commitment.

You can start using your ERP system and experience its full potential without any financial commitment. If for any reason you choose to discontinue, you can do so at no cost. This allows you to thoroughly evaluate our solution and ensure it meets your needs before subscription payments begin.


What our members say

"The team was fantastic. They were always available when I needed them. They always had the answers to my questions."

"My one request is that you don't stop" - Comment about the Stellar One subscription delivery model.

"I think it only took three weeks to go live. That's impressive compared to other systems."


Here’s all the good stuff

Risk-Free Trial

We offer a hands-on, risk-free trial that allows you to test and see your business in action using your own data. This approach helps you experience the software, free for 30 days, ensuring you make a confident and informed decision.

Price Certainty

We provide a 5-year price lock, meaning the cost of your software and support will not increase for five years. Additionally, our Fixed-Price Promise ensures that the price you see on the pricing calculator and your proposal is the total cost for your implementation project, avoiding unexpected costs.

Agile & Efficient Implementation

Our iterative methodology ensures that your solution is tailored to meet specific requirements, accelerating the learning curve and ensuring a successful business launch. Smoothly transition your business onto a new system without commitment.

Expert Support and Member Onboarding

The team consists of ERP specialists, not commission-driven salespeople, ensuring that you receive tailored technology solutions that best fit your business needs. We provide continuous support through our member portal, where you can submit cases, request improvements, and initiate new projects effortlessly.

How does it work?

We use a process called Rapid Prototyping Methodology in order to quickly spin up your system and push new functionality into your instance that's unique to you.

1: Quick Setup Survey

Begin by filling out a brief setup survey. This helps us understand your business needs and tailor the ERP system accordingly. It’s quick and straightforward, ensuring we capture the essentials without overwhelming you.

2: Meet Your Specialist

Connect with your dedicated implementation specialist. This step is all about setting the stage for a smooth onboarding process.

3: Initial Setup Tasks

Start with a few easy tasks to get your ERP system configured. These tasks are designed to be simple and manageable, ensuring you can see immediate progress in your system immediately.

4: Automated Configuration

Let our system handle the heavy lifting. Our automated configuration process sets up your ERP system based on the information you've provided. In 30 days from start, you will be able to perform essential business operations in your new system.

5: Rapid Onboarding

Receive personalized training for your setup. This step confirms your team is comfortable with the system and pinpoints what you would like optimized further.

6: Go Live

Launch your fully configured ERP system and enjoy your streamlined business operations. With everything set up and ready to go, you can focus on running your business more efficiently.

7: Ongoing Support

Access continuous support through our member portal. Submit tickets, request improvements, and initiate new projects effortlessly. Our support team is always here to assist you, verifying your system remains optimized, secure & up to date.

Transform your buying experience

Don't worry, we didn't miss a step, there are no implementation costs with Stellar. Start your system up in 30 days and pay a flat subscription rate that is locked for 5-years. No Price Hikes, with no long term commitment required from you. 


Biopelle needed to replace its outdated SagePro 100 system to improve efficiency and integrate various operational software.


Implemented Acumatica for its financial management, customer management, and distribution needs, with customization to fit Biopelle’s complex processes.


Acumatica enabled real-time access to data, integrated inventory forecasting, and improved sales team productivity, enhancing overall business efficiency.


Shoebacca's rapid growth as an online retailer required a more integrated and scalable ERP solution to replace its fragmented systems.


Implemented Acumatica to integrate its online store, warehouse management, and financial systems, enabling real-time operations and better inventory control.


Acumatica improved inventory management, reduced IT costs, and eliminated the need for an in-house development team, boosting profitability and operational efficiency.


Rapid growth in the hobby and toy collectibles industry outpaced Bluefin Collectibles' capabilities with QuickBooks Enterprise.


Switched to Acumatica, which provided better integration with warehouse automation technologies and offered a flexible, affordable ERP solution.


Acumatica saved IT man hours on report generation, provided mobile access to data, and improved customer communication, supporting rapid business growth.


Clive Coffee, an online retailer of luxury home espresso machines and accessories, experienced rapid growth during the pandemic. Their existing systems, including QuickBooks and separate inventory and eCommerce software, were disconnected and inefficient, leading to manual reconciliation processes and delayed data visibility.


Clive Coffee implemented Acumatica Cloud ERP, integrating their financial, inventory, and order processing systems into a single platform. This included modules for advanced financials, warehouse management, field service management, and a native Shopify connector.


Acumatica provided real-time financial visibility, increased inventory accuracy, and streamlined operations. As a result, Clive Coffee improved customer satisfaction by shipping products 50% faster and avoided hiring additional staff, scaling their transaction volume more efficiently. This integration enabled Clive Coffee to continue growing and evolving its business seamlessly.


Rapid Prototyping in ERP Implementations: The Benefits & Stellar One's Process


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an ERP system?

An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system integrates core business processes into a single system, facilitating real-time data sharing, improved efficiency, and better decision-making across the organization.

How much does an ERP system cost?

The cost of an ERP system varies depending on the complexity, customization, and the number of users. Typically, costs include licensing, implementation, and ongoing maintenance. We offer flexible pricing models to suit different business needs.

What is cloud-based ERP and how does it differ from on-premise ERP?

Cloud-based ERP is hosted on remote servers and accessed via the internet, offering scalability, reduced IT costs, and automatic updates. On-premise ERP is installed locally on your servers, providing greater control and customization options.

What factors affect the cost of an ERP system?

Factors influencing ERP costs include the size of the business, the required business capabilities, customization requirements, integration with existing systems, and the level of support needed. Acumatica offers scalable solutions to fit various budgets.

What is the implementation process for an ERP system?

Our implementation process involves initial system configuration, data migration, user training, and go-live support. We ensure a smooth transition with minimal disruption to your business operations.

What is included in your ERP implementation services?

Our implementation services include project planning, system configuration, data migration, integration with existing systems, user training, and ongoing support to ensure a successful deployment.

How long does it take to implement an ERP system?

ERP implementation duration varies based on the project's complexity, ranging from a few weeks to several months. Our streamlined process can have your system up and running in as few as 30 days. 

What support do you offer after ERP implementation?

We provide comprehensive post-implementation support including technical assistance, regular updates, user training, and continuous system optimization to ensure your ERP system operates effectively.

What are the benefits of using an ERP system?

ERP systems enhance business efficiency by automating processes, improving data accuracy, providing real-time insights, and facilitating better resource management, leading to increased productivity and cost savings.

How can an ERP system improve my business processes?

An ERP system standardizes and automates business processes, reducing manual errors, improving data accuracy, streamlining operations, and providing comprehensive analytics for informed decision-making.

How do I choose the right ERP system for my business?

Choosing the right ERP system involves assessing your business needs, scalability requirements, budget, and desired features. We offer consultations to help you select the best solution for your organization.

What industries do you serve with your ERP solutions?

We serve a wide range of industries including manufacturing, distribution, retail, professional services, healthcare, and non-profit organizations, each with tailored solutions to meet specific industry needs.

What are the common challenges during ERP implementation?

Common challenges include data migration, user adoption, integration with existing systems, and aligning the ERP system with business processes. Our experienced team helps mitigate these challenges for a smooth implementation.

What are the key features of Acumatica ERP?

Acumatica ERP offers features such as financial management, project accounting, CRM, inventory management, order management, and robust reporting capabilities, all integrated into a cloud-based platform.

How does Acumatica ERP integrate with other systems?

Acumatica ERP integrates seamlessly with various third-party applications and legacy systems through APIs and built-in connectors, ensuring smooth data exchange and unified business processes.

How do I know if my business is ready for an ERP system?

Your business is ready for an ERP system if you experience process inefficiencies, challenges in data management, or need better integration of business functions. Our specialists can assess your readiness and guide you through the process.


What is the ROI of implementing an ERP system?

The ROI of an ERP system includes improved efficiency, reduced operational costs, better decision-making, and enhanced scalability, leading to long-term financial benefits and competitive advantage.

How do you handle data migration during ERP implementation?

We manage data migration through a structured process involving data extraction, cleansing, transformation, and loading into the new ERP system, ensuring data integrity and minimal disruption.

What training do you need for using an ERP system?

We offer comprehensive training programs, including on-site training, online tutorials, and user manuals, to ensure your team is well-equipped to use the ERP system effectively.

How do you manage ERP system updates and maintenance?

We provide regular updates and maintenance services to keep your ERP system up-to-date with the latest features, security patches, and performance improvements, ensuring optimal operation.

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